One big barrier is Haiti having poor political leaders. Some leaders go against their words or do not follow through. In many cases, there is lack of false dialogue too, especially where Aristide was concerned and Duvalier were concerned. An example of this would be when Aristide won election in 1996. He gained little legitimacy or credibility. The election was said to be called farcical, meaning it was absurd because of aspects that were ridiculous. Another example would be when President Duvalier extended his presidency in 1961 to another six years. Then in 1964, he sneakily had voters sign off and approve a constitutional change that made Jean-Claude Duvalier president for life.

There are serious challenges in Haiti that people with authority do not take the time to figure out. As late as the year 1915, it was more than 90 percent of the population was illiterate. Almost 55% of the Haitian population lives on $2.61 USD per day, and more than 41% of those fall below the extreme poverty line ($1.23 per day). 

According to the ACDA, which is the United States arms control and disarmament Agency the military was spending about US$ 40 million annually under the military regime. In the years of 1975 through 1985, when president Duvalier was in office, military spending was then averaging US$30 million a year. This represented about 8 percent of the Government expenditures. The US helped out. In the years of 1950 to 1977, the United States provided a lot of money in military aid. This amount was US$ 3.4 million. This also included some training for Haitians Students that was in the United States. (DR and haiti, page 472.)

Poor Haitians are defenseless when it comes to the abuses of police, soldiers and other security forces. Additionally, Haiti does not have a Independent Judiciary. Without this, there can be no independent rights in Haiti at all. There is little that has been done about this issue, even though it has been recognized. When judges are appointed by the government, the usually are just people who are very poorly qualified. They are also not paid well. This applies to court officials too. Corruption is also very wide spread in Haiti.


This would be for presidents of Haiti to carry out what they say and to have their own voice. Haitians need their presidents to put their own personal wants and needs after what really needs to be done. Presidents need to hold higher meanings to their words in Haiti. 

  1. More challenges need to be accepted and addressed in Haiti too. Effective communication will go a long way. Haiti needs more of it. Haitian people need to start getting alone too. There are three religious beliefs in Haiti and it is important that they start to see more eye to eye on things and come together. They must work towards reconciliation and acceptance. 
  2. Watching who gets elected. 
  3. Having a military that does not harm to the civilians. The military has treated Haitian's very harshly in the and they act very unfair to the Haitian people. 

Two social movements that might also help Haiti are:

Alternative social movements: These seek to foster change for Haiti so that Haitians will hopefully stop facing Anti-Haitian sentiments. Sentiments are different views or attitudes towards a certain thing.

Revolutionary social movements: The people will be able to gain control of Haiti once again because this includes overthrowing the corrupted government for a better chance at gaining control of their state.